Wednesday, October 20, 2010

IN THE NEXT ROOM - post 4 - Francis Jue (Dr. Givings)

I’ve been naked on stage in many productions of M. BUTTERFLY. And so I thought I was prepared for today’s rehearsal of the final scene in THE VIBRATOR PLAY, in which my leading lady and I undress each other. But this morning I found myself shaking inside, so nervous that I couldn’t remember my lines. It wasn’t just undressing Angelica that intimidated me. It was much scarier being undressed by her. Much like my character Dr. Givings, I found myself terribly frightened of disappointing her, even of offending her. As Butterfly, taking off my clothes was meant to be a shocking act of aggression. In THE VIBRATOR PLAY, taking off our clothes becomes the most intimate form of emotional nakedness. After an hour of undressing, dressing and undressing again, I can’t say that my nerves subsided, but that shaky feeling felt more like the aching need to love and be loved.

1 comment:

Angelica Island said...

I too, was nervous. So very nervous. Really -- lines? what lines? I'm supposed to say something too?! And while this is the first major love scene in my acting career -- it was as if I had never experienced the act of loving before in my life. But how professional, how wonderful, how safe it all turned out to be. Though I know the nerves will probably not go away... it is amazing to be surrounded by such support, teamwork and yes, love. :) Angelica