Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gene Ganssle (Fred) - or is it Mr. Fred? (see Lillie Richardson's character name below)

Back into rehearsal...
It never gets old for me. This is my twelfth season with this production, and I cannot believe how we get back into the groove so quickly!
No matter how warm Phoenix is around Thanksgiving, you can't help but be caught up in the spirit when this show begins work.
This year, we have a bunch of new people, but they have stepped up and will be so wonderful that it is amazing.
They have a tall order to learn complicated dancing, songs and their lines in a "remount" schedule of two weeks. Woof.
But we sound better and have a fresh energy that will make this time around even better for our audiences.
Stay healthy, take time to rest, and enjoy the beauty and joy of the season!

Gene Ganssle (Fred)

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