Friday, September 28, 2007

Lieutenant of Inishmore - Blog 9 - Beau Heckman (playing Christy - middle of photo below)

I'm so sorry that I have not posted a blog before now.

The process for this show has been like none other for me. From having a life cast taken of my face, a process not for the claustrophobic, to gun classes and a trip to a gun range. Oliver turned out to be an amazing shot, while I on the other hand, should just stick to acting! Any show as laden with special effects, as is ours, is bound to have its challenges, and we had our share. Luckily, our special effects man was up to the challenge.

The time in the rehearsal hall was full of laughter and challenge. I very much enjoyed watching everyone discovering the wonderful collection of characters that make up this play. One particular challenge that occurred to me early on was how to be a "villain" to an "antihero" while still managing to be occasionally funny.

The run of the show has also been full of surprises. Knowing from the start that this material was not going to be for everyone, it has been interesting and sometimes challenging, listening to the wide ranging reactions of our audiences.

All of these experiences have been an amazing ride for me. I owe many thanks to our special effects man Cory R. Starr and an amazing crew(costumes and laundry included) led by stage manager April S. Smith. Really, this crew has stepped up to every challenge and performed above and beyond with the clean up that is required after this show!

We have only three performances left at this point and I must say that this has truly been an honor to work with old friends Cale Epps, Kerry McCue, Tim Shawver, and David Vining as well as new ones: David McCormick, Colin McFadden, and Oliver Wadsworth.

I look forward to working with you all again.
Also Much Thanks to Matthew, April, and are all amazing!

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